Thursday, April 14, 2005

Fancy a Glass of Worms?

Edit 15april at 1am: The Glass of Worms have since been removed from the RH Fish Tank for fear of pollution to the water. Thus those who managed to see it while it lasted, it was an interesting sight to behold; those who didn't, you'll have to make do with the picture here... the previous article will be left unedited, read on!

Yes, you read it right: a Glass of Worms...

"Why is there a glass of worms in the RH Fish Tank?!"
Explanation: I had previously bought, on four occasions already, $0.50 worth of tubifex worms from a shop in Clementi, and the amount was just enough to fill 3/4 of the inverted-cone which allows the fishes to finish their live food treat in two to three days. Today however i took a trip to a fish shop in Tiong Bahru to take a look (and eventually purchasing the Whiptail Catfish, see previous post), and decided to give the fishes a live food treat: "Uncle, tubifex worms 50cents please, thanx ah".

Upon returning, rinsing the packet of worms, and putting them into the inverted-cone, the worms OVERFLOWED! In order to keep the tubifex worms alive i took out half of them and put them into the glass, and put the glass in the RH Fish Tank under the inverted-cone so that the worms wouldn't have to be flushed/thrown away and the fishes could still have their fill.

Caveat: Those with a weak stomach or are averse to violence are advised to refrain from observing the feeding of live food (Live food feeding rated NC16; violent content).

Why feed Live Tubifex Worms? Read the previous Worms post.


Blogger veteriner said...

i glad too informations in yuor useful weblog
pleez if get information about tubifex life send me

Mon Dec 08, 01:33:00 PM  

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