Sunday, July 30, 2006

To: Alumni and Friends of RH

If you are an alumni of RH, this post is for you.
  • Have you heard of the RH Fish Tank in front of RH office?
  • Are you regularly asking about the RH Fish Tank?
  • Did you enjoy the RH Fish Tank; do you still enjoy it?
  • Do you continue to speak of the RH Fish Tank?
  • Would you wish to see the RH Fish Tank continue being beautiful?
  • Do you wish you could lend a hand but didn't know how to?
If you answered "yes" to any of the above...
do consider assisting in the continued success of the RH Fish Tank!

Would you contribute to its upkeep and maintenance?
Your humble donation of $5-10/month will allow us to contract a seasoned aquascaper to visit the RH Fish Tank fortnightly; he will care for the aquatic plants, professionally clean the tank and filter, add fertiliser, nutrients and/or medicine when necessary, as well as advise us on the RH Fish Tank in general. In essence, there will not be pressure on any RHesident to drop his studies/activities for continued RH Fish Tank success (time spent on major repairs due to negligence, fund raising, etc.)

Would you?


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Care to post some pictures of your tank. It should be great by now.

I am a planted tank fanatic and maybe some day will drop by RH to look at the fish tank. Would be great if anyone around there. Want to see your fert regime, flora and fauna details and Co2 and filtration system.

EH resident (AquaObsession)

Sat Aug 12, 10:13:00 PM  
Blogger craps said...

Hi Christophe, thanx for dropping by! You may find more of the photos by clicking on the fish tank picture on the right of the blog... it looks pretty much the same now, except with considerably less fish and lighter-coloured gravel.

Java Fern, Java Fern Windelov, Nanas, Crypts (few different species), Balansae; all low maintenance plants.

Cardinals (~20), Albino Corydoras (~5), Kuhli Loaches (~5), Cherry Barb (1), Rummy Nose (2), Rocket Pencilfish (2), Endlers (~5), Green Shrimps (???), Horned Snails (~3).

Only fertiliser i used are Root Monsters at the base of the Crypts (right side) and under the Balansae (left side). The rest of the plants are Ferns and Nanas, so no fertilising required other than fish- and shrimp-poo.

No CO2 added because the plants inside don't really require CO2, and it's too troublesome to change it as it is a public tank.

Eheim Pro II filter with surface skimmer inlet (left side) and rainbar outlet (right side).
Internal powerhead (left side) to help circulate the water.

36W x3 PL lights, timered to 4hrs + 5hrs daily.

Sat Aug 12, 10:36:00 PM  
Blogger Christophe said...

Mind if i ask what is the temperature of the water.

What do you have as carpet? None?
Moss carpet? Tenellus carpet, hairgrass

Just some suggestions to make good use of the substratre. More plants mean more surfaces for BB to attach, and more filtratrion

Sat Aug 12, 10:43:00 PM  
Blogger Christophe said...

Btw, i am the one who posted the first one.

Let me know what kind of donation do you accept.
Cash only, or flora/fauna welcome? Maybe more flora (just in case bacteria with fauna)

Sat Aug 12, 10:44:00 PM  
Blogger Dank said...

Hi Christophe! Yeap, i know the first comment was from you. Thanx! =)

I tried to grow a Tenellus carpet but because of the lack of CO2 (the CO2 bottle leaked and never got replaced) the carpet never spread. Now i just leave the Lapis Sand bare without a carpet.

RH Fish Tank Background
RH Fish Tank is a public display tank for residents of RH. Because there's no one with the expertise to really maintain the tank, i decided (2 years ago) that it be a low-maintenance tank, thus the current plant-mix of ferns and crypts.

You may wish to chat with me more on msn?

Sat Aug 12, 10:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kuhli loach is Pangio kuhli, endlers are Poecilia wingei
and dwarf rasbora is Boraras maculatus.

When using Latin names, fist name is capitalised while the second is not. They should be italicised as well.

Fri Aug 18, 12:36:00 AM  
Blogger Dank said...

Dank > Anonymous: Thanx for the feedback... would appreciate a name or some identity so that i know who contributed the kind word?

Thanx again!

Fri Aug 18, 03:26:00 AM  

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