Wednesday, February 02, 2005

I'll Huff and I'll Puff

There's an addition to the RH Fish Tank! A fish with an interesting personality, a fish with a craving for snails... the Dwarf Puffer, or Pygmy Puffer.

Dwarf/Pygmy Puffer (Tetraodon Travancorius)
Puffer: The fish with a personality

The Dwarf or Pygmy Puffer (Tetraodon Travancorius) is a freshwater puffer fish that feeds on live food, but the main benefit of the Dwarf Puffer in the planted aquarium is its snail-eating ability. There have been many occasions where we saw many small (non-beneficial) snails coming out from hiding when the lights go out, that is the reason we introduced the Dwarf Puffer into the RH Fish Tank.

However, the negative side of the Dwarf Puffer is its aggressiveness towards anything that moves, including fish. Hopefully it will learn to co-exist with the other fishes in the RH Fish Tank. Should you notice any unfriendly behaviour, please do notify us so that we can take corrective action (isolate the Puffer, take it out and into our personal fish tank, etc).

In the meantime, you can enjoy the helicopter-like movement of the Dwarf Puffer as it flutters around hunting for snails...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Mon Jul 27, 06:01:00 PM  
Anonymous diana caro said...

hi can i put this fish in with terrapins(aquatic turtles)?

Wed Nov 25, 09:03:00 PM  
Blogger Dank said...

Hi diana,
You may find the terrapins taking a bite of (or even eating) the Puffers because the terrapins eat (almost) anything...? I'd advise against it. =)

Thu Nov 26, 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have also found these fish to be very nippy but only at the fins of other fish. but, i loved them so much that i went out and bought 6 more and there own 15 gallon tank. all and all they are very curious fish and in a way attach to their owners and they are one of the greatest fish to have. hopes this helps

Fri Jan 22, 11:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi I recently purchased 2 of the dwarf puffers and they are in a tank alone. However, I have found one of them going into an almost catotonic state where its tail flexes towards its body and it sinks to the bottom for close to an hour before popping back up and swimming normally. Also, the two both tend to appear darker in color at times before regaining their bright yellow color. Do you have any advice?

Tue Feb 16, 11:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Eve said...

To Anon above. SAME! i got that but not for an hour. One of mine is always pale coloured and the other is always bright yellow!

Tue Feb 16, 11:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to eve, curling of the tail and the colour darkening are normally signs of distress. this can be down to a couple of things, water quality (ammonia,nitrate,nitrate and PH) and stress. dwarf puffers can be teritorial with each other so they should have 3-5 gallons each to reduce stress. i have Otos in with my puffers they get on fine (otos keep under the radar lol) hope this helps

Wed Mar 03, 08:55:00 PM  
Blogger ball352 said...

to anonymous,
i currently have two green spotted puffers, each aproximatly an inch in length. they are in a 46 gallon bowfront with plenty of places to explore. tank mates include a pictus catfish, about three inches, and a shark catfish, the same length. everyones getting along great, i plan on adding another puffer, one more pictus cat, and some spotted scat. but back to the behavior of our puffer fish, mine did the exact same thing when i first got them. its been about two weeks now and i havent seen them do it at all.

Wed Mar 10, 12:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi.. i was wondering where i can buy a dwarf puffer. i owned one 2 years ago and am looking to get another.
and what is the going price for one now?

Wed Apr 07, 06:06:00 AM  

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